We are recording Muskito Soundtrack on Villa Widmann at Mira, Venice.
The façade is composed of two orders, a curvilinear tympanum and a small atrium with columns of the original building.
The structure is moreover characterized by a barchessa, a rural construction made up of wide courtyards typical of the Veneto.
Artistically speaking, the central room of the villa is distinguished by the presence of frescoes on the ceiling:
‘Gloria della famiglia Widmann’ di G. Angeli and other precious frescos attributed to G. Mengozzi Colonna, co-worker of Tiepolo.
Nowadays the Villa is owned by the Tourist Promotion Company of Venice.
Villa Widmann-Rezzonico, once Seriman from the name of the ancient noble family that first purchased it, is originally a 1600s building,
although it was rebuilt in 1719 and, during the XVIII century, transformed into what it appears nowadays, a villa dominated by French Rococo style.